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Profeta David Arrey


-Vindo W ao meu site. Eu sou o Profeta David Arrey. Nasci em Arusha, Tanzânia, e me mudei para os Estados Unidos em 2008. Ao longo da minha infância, tive muita curiosidade sobre as coisas de Deus e do Espírito Santo. Através da minha vida, permiti que Jesus fosse meu Senhor e experimentei muitos desafios e fui apresentado a muitos mistérios do Reino Espiritual; o que Ele me mostrou teve um efeito profundo em minha vida e em outras pessoas que entraram em contato comigo. Enquanto pastoreava uma igreja na Califórnia, realizei muitas conferências impactantes para a glória de Deus. Eu entendo que o que Deus colocou em mim não é para mim, é para você. Minha missão é preparar a Igreja para a Segunda Vinda.

Um dia me encontrei na bíblia quando me deparei com Ezequiel que afirma:

His prophetic revelations and messages have been used by the Holy Spirit to bring healing, deliverance, and freedom to people from all walks of life. His ministry has also been instrumental in leading people to Christ and igniting a fire of revival in their hearts.


David's love for people and commitment to spreading the gospel have led him to create an online platform where people can connect with him, receive prayer and prophetic deliverance, and access his teachings and resources. Through his website, live broadcasts, books, blogs, and one-on-one sessions, he is reaching people from all corners of the world and inspiring them to live their lives with purpose and passion for Jesus.


If you are yearning for a deeper relationship with God or if you are seeking direction and purpose in your life, then David Arrey's ministry is the perfect place for you. Connect with him today and experience the transformative power of God in your life. Let his prophetic insights and words of wisdom guide you to the path of your divine destiny.


The time to act is now! Do not let another day go by without taking action. You don't want to miss out on the movement that God is birthing through his ministry. Book a one-on-one counseling session with David today at and embark on your journey towards a life of divine purpose, fulfillment, and freedom.

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To Empower The People of Power Through Prophetic Deliverance.

Image by Ingo Stiller


Restoring people's hearts to God through prophetic deliverance, the revelatory teachings of Jesus Christ, and the demonstration of God's power.


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